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UN: Only Religious Scholars Allowed To Discuss Matters of Faith

The United Nations Human Rights Council has a new rule. If a Human Rights matter is impacted, in any way, by religious considerations, the UN must bring in a member of the clergy to take over the debate.
From the Daily Times, via A New Dark Age Is Dawning:
GENEVA: Muslim countries have won a battle to prevent Islam from being
criticised during debates by the UN Human Rights Council. Religions deserve
special protection because any debate about faith is bound to be “very complex,
very sensitive and very intense”, council President Doru-Romulus Costea said
Scholars: Only religious scholars should be allowed to discuss matters of
faith, he told journalists in Geneva.
While Costea’s ban applies to all religions, it was prompted by Muslim
countries complaining about references to Islam.
On Monday Egypt, Pakistan and Iran angrily protested attempts by a humanist
group to link Islam to human rights abuses such as female genital mutilation and
so-called honour killing of women.
Aren't we commonly told that Female Genital Mutilation and Honor Killing have nothing to do with Islam, but are instead culturally-based phenomena?
I guess not, if Muslims feel they must bring in Imams to explain the intricacies of these Sacraments.
Let's see if the Muslims also declare this to be a religious issue, and bring in their Imams to justify such behavior as well.
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