Green Energy
Up at Jihad Watch: Malaysia's dhimmis fund Islamic da'wah
Consider the notion that Islam in Malaysia is paid for from the proceeds of non-muslim owned and operated businesses that trade in (among other things) alcohol, pork, rock music and sex. And why? Because Islam would be bankrupt unless the dhimmis were compelled to bankroll the very entity that oppresses them.
So it should little surprise that the Muslim government in Malaysia has decided to step up its state-sponsored da'wah-related indoctrination and brainwashing efforts, as long as the infidels are around to foot the bill. Even if this eventually reduces the very source of all this money in the first place, by creating more Believers and reducing the number of dhimmis that can be excessively taxed.
Read it all.
The Kufr Trifecta -- A Personal Journey
For those who still remember me, I used to be a much more prolific contributor to IBA. Well, I'm still above ground and still above room temperature. I still reside in Malaysia, a Muslim-majority, Muslim-controlled state, where the one-way ratchet...
Storm Track Infiltration: We Are Already Living As Dhimmis
Europe is willingly on the path to dhimmitude but America is not far behind for we are already living the Three Laws of Islam. The First Law of Islam: Thou Shalt Not Criticize Islam. The laws beyond that will follow. Since this special status of Islam...
Calling A Spade A Spade
My latest Malaysia Today column. Apologies for the length: From the Anti Jihadist--Calling a Spade a Spade In one of my past columns at Malaysia Today, I quoted one Ghazi al-Qusaibi, a former Saudi ambassador to London, and who is now a senior minister...
Iran-malaysia Marriage About To Be Consummated
Today in Kuala Lumpur, that ever-steamy capital city of Malaysia, I noted a number of newly-posted public banners and signs, advertising an upcoming event called the "Iran-Malaysia Expo", AKA "IMEX 06". It's scheduled to take place on 21-24 Sept 2006...
The Dhimmi Contract
A Dhimmi is a non-Muslim who Muslims deign to allow to live in a Muslim land. In order to live safely the Dhimmi must pay a special Dhimmi protection tax. If he does, then he is agreeing to a contract of Dhimmitude which guarantees that he will not be...
Green Energy