Green Energy
UPDATED AND BUMPED: Remember How The Media Told Us Obama's Grandmother In Kenya Was A Christian
UPDATE: The New York Times posts IBA's post on their International News (Kenya) page.The fact is, the NYT publishes many IBA posts (usually two or three a week), so I am not posting this to brag. Instead, I am posting it because I think it is humorous that this post, which is just a tad derogatory of the MSM (yes, just a bit) is now on the New York Times website.
It would have been nice if they would have reported the truth back before Obama got elected. And, it would have been even nicer if they didn't repeatedly infer that people like us are racists and nutcases.
Problem is, I am a nutcase, and MR, well, he's racist against Eskimoes, so maybe the NYT is right about us, after all.
I wonder if Obama is just as much a Christian as she is?From Gateway:
Obama’s Christian Grandmother Prays He Converts to Islam
Two years ago this is what the state-run media said about Barack Obama’s step-grandmother before the 2008 election.

The AP slammed the disgusting “untruths” written about Barack Obama in an interview with his step-grandmother in Kenya on March 5, 2008:
Obama’s grandma slams ‘untruths’
Obama’s grandfather had converted to Islam from Roman Catholicism and taken the name Hussein, Sarah Obama said, but his children had inherited only the name, not the religion. Each person should be able to choose how they worshipped, she said.
“In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents,” she said. She, too, is a Christian.
Too bad it was untrue…They later were forced to correct their own “untruths”.
This week Obama’s
Christian step-grandmother told reporters that she hopes Barack converts to Islam:
Sarah Omar, 88, who was on hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, told the Al-Qatan Saudi daily: “I prayed for my grandson Barack to convert to Islam”.
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