Green Energy


Ok. Non-gun rant here.

What most of you don't know is I like my guns, sure. But I love knives. I've been a knife collector for nearly 30 years. Currently have near 800 (maybe more) in my collection.

But more importantly, collector or not, this piece of legislation could affect ANYONE who carries a pocketknife, even a ubquitous innocuous red handled Swiss Army Knife.

And if you carry a Benchmade or a Spyderco or an Al Mar or a Kershaw LOOK OUT if this goes through.

Write to the buffoons in D.C. This needs to be stopped.

The dark slide into Marxism continues. . .

h/t anti-mullah:


Breaking News: We have received word that U.S. Customs & Border Protection has DENIED the numerous requests for extension that it had received and is planning to stick with the June 21 deadline for comments.

CBP's denial of an extension seems to be a clear indication that they do not intend to act in a fair and reasonable manner on this issue and have already made their decision to go ahead. That means we have to set the stage for the next act, which will likely be conducted both in court and in Congress. The battle is far from over, your comments will play a role in both efforts.

U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has proposed revoking earlier rulings that assisted opening knives are not switchblades. The proposed new rule would not only outlaw assisted opening knives, its broad definition of a switchblade would also include one-handed opening knives and could be easily interpreted to cover most other pocket knives, even simple old-fashioned slip-joints.

Note that CBP's interpretation of the Federal Switchblade Act forms the basis for national, state and even local law and judicial rulings in many cases. This ruling by CBP is NOT limited to just imports. This WILL affect virtually everyone who carries a pocket knife, no matter the type!
Download the 63 page CBP document and read it for yourself.

Knife Rights has sent a letter to CBP requesting an extension to the ridiculously short 30-day comment period. We need your help to make an impression on CBP. They figured that they could slip this by everyone with little notice. We need to let CBP know that they are not going to get away with it; that we noticed and we are not happy and that we will not stand by while they take away our pocket knives.

We are in for the fight of our lives. We need you to write CBP NOW!

Click here for a Model Letter you can send to CBP.

However, the reality is that CBP isn't required to listen to our demands, but they do have to answer to Congress. After you send a letter to CBP, giving them notice they are not going to sneak this by us, the next step is to inundate Congress with emails and letters.

If you want to be free to carry your pocket knives in the future, you need to write your Senators and Representative TODAY!

Click here for a Model Letter you can send to Members of Congress.

We have also prepared a Communicating with Congress page that includes tips to maximize the effect of your letters. This page was developed after consultation with experts who understand exactly how to get your message across to Members of Congress. We have also included easy links to find your Representatives, if you don't know who they are or the best way to reach them. How much of an impact your communication has can be significantly impacted by how and what you write. Our aim is to help maximize your impact so your Members of Congress actually listen and do something. PLEASE, take a few minutes to review our Communicating with Congress page BEFORE you act.

Knife Rights was formed three years ago because we knew it was only a matter of time before something like this would happen that would threaten to take away our right to own and carry our knives. Well, that time is now and we're working to help keep our essential tools and essential rights. We cannot do it without your help. Knife Rights is only as powerful as the forces we can bring to bear. You are the only truly effective weapon we have. Policitcans only listen to voters. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO ACT!

Because you are sending a hard copy letter and emails via Members' web forms, we won't know you did it unless you let us know. It is critical that we be able to know how many have responded, so please click here to send us an email ([email protected]) to let us know you've sent the letter and emails.

WRITE Customs NOW!
WRITE your Members of Congress NOW!
Join Knife Rights and help support the fight to keep your Knife Rights!

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Green Energy
