Green Energy
Venerating Osama Bin Laden

Among others in Australia, the Aborigines converting to Islam have found their hero.
this twenty-minute You Tube video entitled
Islam Deaming - Australia, which has this accompaying blurb:
Feb 2004
After centuries of oppression, indigenous Aborigines are now turning to Osama Bin Laden for support.
"Wherever you are Osama Bin Laden, I love you," proclaims Khaled, an Aboriginal Muslim. He's one of a growing number of aborigines who believes the true terrorists are the government. "Society has marginalised these people and they look to Islam for support," states Kuranda Seyit from the Australian Muslim News.
Added: November 02, 2007
You'll note the comparison of "the Aboriginal way" to Islam and how Islam frees the Aborigines. One fellow interviewed even hears a confirming voice.
Islam is their salvation. Good luck with that.
[Hat-tip to
Mark Alexander]
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Green Energy