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Waco Biker Massacre: Justice Denied In Waco
From Aging Rebel:
About 500 Harley riders convened outside the McLennan County Courthouse yesterday seeking justice for the nine men who were killed in a parking lot on May 17; justice for the approximately 17 men who were wounded; for the ten more who were less severely injured; for the 176 people who were indiscriminately rounded like runaway slaves; and for the 125 or so who remain in jail.
Some of the demonstrators may have also wished for justice for the men who gunned the victims down like mad dogs, and justice for the heartless and stupid public officials who have falsely imprisoned and ruined scores of lives and who have been lying about what happened in that parking lot ever since.
Those 500 Harley riders were too late. There will never be justice for what happened in the parking lot of the Twin Peaks restaurant. The opportunity for justice was lost when yahoo cops and a yahoo justice of the peace told 176 people they had to stay in jail until the could each raise $1 million bail. If anybody with a pay grade higher than Waco police sergeant gave a damn about justice they would have put a stop to this farce then.
The Waco Massacre illustrates at least two things that have gone profoundly wrong in America. American police think they have been assigned a mission to punish anyone who talks back to authority; and the press, which is professionally obliged to talk back to authority, has turned out to be a big, old, toothless whore.
Indisputably the police can’t tell the difference between a Cossack, a Bandido, a Son of the South, a Vietnam Vet, a Biker for Jesus and a HOG member. Indisputably, the Waco police and Texas state police were there looking for trouble.
The event was surrounded by at least 22 police. At least four of them came armed with FN P90 submachine guns (see photo above) and some number of police officers on scene appear to have been armed with a kind of gee whiz handgun called the FN Five-Seven which also fires very light, (sometimes) plastic core, 5.7×28mm rounds. Secret Service agents assigned to the Presidential Protective Division are issued P90s and Five-Sevens.
There are several variations of the 5.7×28mm round. Anecdotes by survivors suggest that one or more of the FN P90s was sound suppressed and fired a subsonic 5.7×28mm round called the SB193. The FN P90- submachine gun fires about 900 rounds per minute or 15 rounds per second.
A persistent rumor states that “hundreds of rounds” were fired. After a Bandido or a Cossack pulled a gun and shot somebody some number of police on the perimeter opened fire. The math is elementary.
If 26 people were shot and a Bandido or a Cossack or Bandidos and Cossacks shooting together shot between one and five of them how many people did the police shoot? Anyone? Anyone who went to journalism school? Anyone who went to law school?
The police know what they did. So does the FBI and particularly the ATF which is in the firearms regulation business and classifies the 5.7×28mm as an “armor piercing round.” Two varieties of the 5.7×28mm round are available to civilians in the United States. They are called the “SS195LF” and “SS197SR.”
The ATF exists to identify the difference between an “SS195LF” and an “SB193.” ATF agents are good at that. That’s why they all make $200,000 a year.
The Dallas Morning News reported this morning that Waco police have “declined to release detailed reports from that day, saying they are still awaiting ballistic reports.” That is clearly a lie and the Morning News should be scolded for repeating it.
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Updated At Bottom Of Post --- More On The Wace Biker Massacre: Arrested Biker Responds To Waco Pd And The Twin Peaks Shootout
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