Green Energy
Wait A Minute - Now, Is That A Muslima Or A Whore?
Whores are starting to dress like Muslim women in Kenya. What happens when you can't tell the difference between the two?
Question: What's the quickest way to get Muslim women to stop wearing extremely conservative clothing?
Answer: Get prostitutes to start dressing like them.
In Mombasa, Kenya, the coastal city's "twilight ladies" have ditched their skimpy "uniforms" for the much more conservative buibui—a billowing, ankle-length gown with head covering that Muslim women in the region wear. Sex workers say it lets them hide their identity, avoid arrest, and look respectable.
Unsurprisingly, Muslim women who cover themselves head to toe with the buibui aren't exactly happy with this fashion makeover. One woman says:
I feel so embarrassed that sometimes I contemplate removing my buibui and throwing it away. The buibui has lost its respect.
In addition to the risk of being mistaken for a prostitute, there is another reason why this woman may want to reconsider covering herself head to toe: Conservative Muslim dress codes may be bad for women's health.
Meanwhile, in Lebanon ...

I'm trying to figure out, do I want to go to Lebanon, or not? This is a very, very tough decision.
Poll Of Islamic World Finds Only 4% Believe Women Should Be Uncovered
From the Daily Mail: The way Muslim women should dress in public has been a strongly debated topic in recent months. But a new study has now revealed what the citizens of different Muslim countries believe is appropriate female dress – and how widely...
Toronto Sun: Muslim street cleric wants to protect Canadian women from sex assault by forcing them to cover up By Terry Davidson,Toronto Sun Canadian laws should be changed to require women to "cover themselves"...
Burqa Is Our Choice "There is no reason why they would close the door to us and open the door for others like animals and homosexuals.'' WHEN the Reverend Fred Nile failed to secure enough votes for his bill to ban the burqa in State Parliament,...
The Sex-obsessed World Of Islam
Muslims spend an inordinate amount of time and energy obsessing over sex, and figuring out ways to hide it away from themselves. Why are they so afraid of sex? Is it that Muslim men all have small penis' and thus, they are afraid of the humiliation...
Do I Make You Horny, Baby?
Gentlemen, feast your eyes on the "Sharia Swimsuit" What do you do if you are an observant Muslim woman but you also like swimming? This year, shops in Egypt have the answer: You buy what has become known as the "Sharia swimsuit". It is part of a...
Green Energy