The number of Palestinians who support attacks against Israelis continues to rise and more than half of them favor suicide bombings, according to a poll published this weekend.
The survey also showed that Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh is stillmore popular than Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.The number of Palestinians who support attacks
against Israelis continues to rise and more than half of them favor
suicide bombings, according to a poll published this weekend.
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.
The percentage of Palestinians who support "resistance
operations" against Israeli targets rose from 43.1 percent in September
2006 to 49.5% at present. Support for this option was highest in the
Gaza Strip, at 58.1%, with 24.5% in the West Bank agreeing.Palestinians who support bombing attacks against Israeli
civilians rose from 44.8% in June 2006 to 48% in September 2006 and to
50.7% now.
So tell me, HRW, and the UN, and Dr. R M(oron) Falk, special 'rapporteur' on the jews, how on earth one can commit collective punishment on those who wish your women and children to be killed?
Again, more Gazans support these operations (65.1%), compared with 42.3% of Palestinians in the West Bank.
The Palestinian public is divided on the rocket attacks on
Israel: 39.3% said the firing of these rockets was "useful" to
Palestinian national interests, while 35.7% said they were harmful.
The poll results showed a
general feeling of frustration with regards to the future of the
Palestinian cause and the peace process in light of the ongoing Israeli
military operations and the split between the Gaza Strip and the West
Bank.Both Fatah and Hamas continue to lose support among the Palestinians, and the level of trust in political leaders also dropped.
Support for Abbas fell from 18.3% in November to 11.7% this
month. The poll also showed that fewer Palestinians are satisfied with
Abbas's performance.Support for Haniyeh also went down, from 16.3% in November to
13.3% this month. The same applies to Fatah's imprisoned leader, Marwan
Barghouti, whose popularity moved down from 14.3% to 12.8% during the
same period.With regards to confidence in the political parties, support
for Fatah decreased from 40% in November to 32.5% this month, while
Hamas's popularity went down from 19.7% to 17.8%.The poll, conducted by the Jerusalem Media & Communications
Center, covered 1,190 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip
and has a margin of error of 3 percentage points. It was held from
April 8-13.