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War on Terror Reaches Somalia
Since the 11 September attacks on the United States Somalis have feared that their lawless country could become the setting for a battle between US-backed anti-terror forces and al-Qaeda sympathisers. Now it seems as though their worst fears may be coming true. The capital, Mogadishu, has been rocked by the worst violence in almost a decade, leaving at least 140 people dead.
At least five people have been killed in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, when Islamist gunmen attacked a warlord, breaking a three-day truce.
Hundreds of demonstrators, guarded by Islamist gunmen, started chanting anti-US slogans, fuelled by a belief that the US was backing the alliance of warlords against the Islamists.
Some civil society groups boycotted the event, saying it had been "hijacked".
A compound belonging to warlord Mohamed Omar Habeb Dheere north of Mogadishu was overrun by the Islamist gunmen.
Reuters news agency reports that Mr Dheere had arrived from his base in Jowhar at the weekend to back up the warlords' Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism.
The US says it has not violated the arms embargo on Somalia but has said it would work with those who can help "prevent Somalia becoming a safe haven for terrorists".
Reports suggest two of those warlords may soon be sacked from the interim government.
The government is based in the small town of Baidoa, three hours from the capital, Mogadishu.
It has not moved to Mogadishu because of security concerns, and controls only a small part of the country.
British international development minister Hilary Benn has met the president and prime minister there in a previously unannounced visit.
Interesting Facts About Somalia’s New President…The new leader is Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, 70, a military strongman and president of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland.

An army commander in the 1960s who studied in Italy and the former Soviet Union, Mr Abdullahi was jailed for refusing to take part in the military coup led by fellow officer Siad Barre in 1969.
In prison, he spent time with the late Somali warlord, Mohamed Farah Aideed.
Mr Abdullahi was released in 1975 and three years later, he headed the first attempt to overthrow the Somali dictator.
Mr Abdullahi comes from one of Somalia's six major clans, the Darod.
His approach to leadership has been described as authoritarian - and many of his opponents in Puntland have been sacked, jailed or even killed.
One of his friends said: "You're either with the Colonel or you are an enemy."
And finally, Mr Abdullahi is an uncle of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, through her father…I bet many of
you are surprised!
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