Green Energy
Waste Water Treatment Plant Operations
GEI has experience in Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Management & Operations
- GEI can help Industry and Municipal WWTP operations save cost by offering by offering GEI's complete WWTP Service Agreement Services. GEI's WWTP Operations Service Agreement frees Industrial and Municipal WWTP owners of the hassle of day to day operational issues and paperwork obligations of the WWTP operations.
- GEI offers monthly and yearly contracts.

- With over 80 years of combined experience in management, regulatory compliance and plant automation experience, the GEI engineering staff can complete a full assessment of your WWTP operations and provide a comprehensive study and ROI report on how GEI can help WWTPs reduce operational cost issues and improve compliance issues.
- WWTP Engineering team can automate your plant. With GEI's WWTP automation package, owners can track plant performance, plant cost and stay in compliance with regulatory permit guidelines.
- GEI computer systems now offer Text messaging and emailed reports of WWTP operations.
- GEI also has a staff of experienced operators who are available on a contract basis. Available for short or long term vacancies that may arise at your facility.
- Call GEI Today at 888.483.3312 for more information.
Tanzania Buys Majority Stake In Mtwara Plant
A gas plant in Tanzania. Picture: File By JOHN MBALAMWEZI (email the author) Posted Saturday, February 11 2012 at 17:07Tanzania and Canadian oil and gas company Wentworth Resource Ltd have reached...
Green Energy Initiatives Llc: Welcome New Year 2014 . . . New Sanitary Plant Ser...
green energy initiatives llc: Welcome NEW YEAR 2014 . . . New Sanitary Plant Ser...: GEI LLC is now providing Sanitary and Waste Water Plant Services. With over 60 years of combined operating and industrial experience, GEI L......
Happy New Year 2012 !!!
Hello GEI Friends . . . As Green Energy Initiatives heads into its 3rd year of operation, we are thankful for many things and new opportunities. With humble beginnings in 2009, the business has grown to 7 employees which now serves the...
Ohio Land Owners - Time To Get Your Water Tested
Marcellus Shale Land Owners . . .GEI's water collection, analytical and certified reports from our professional geologists and water engineers, can help insure that your 'ground water' and 'well water' sources have not been contaminated...
Marcellus Shale Pre & Post Drilling Water Testing Services
GEI Service VanWith all the concern about drinking water safety during the Marcellus Shale natural gas well drilling procedures, Green Energy Initiatives offers a 'pre-drilling and post-drilling' water testing/analysis service for property owners....
Green Energy