Green Energy
We Died, They Rejoiced
From the Stogmeister:

The Jawa Report has an article about the father of a U.S. Sailor who died aboard the U.S.S. Cole as a result of a Muslim bomb attack that killed 17 U.S. sailors.
Jawa reports:
Jesse Nieto, a 25-year Marine veteran, has been banned because of displaying “offensive material" such as decals which say “Remember the Cole, 12 Oct 2000,” “Islam=Terrorism” and “We Died, They Rejoiced.”
The graphic at the left is one of the decals that Nieto displays in the rear window of his car. I recreated it with Xara X.
It's getting pretty bad when a Marine vet can't avail himself of the freedom of speech his own son died for.
Feel free to copy Mr. Nieto's graphic above and display it to your heart's content.
The Brutal Assault Of Michelle Fields Ft. Lyin' Ben Shapiro
BEWARE: GRAPHIC CONTENT, SEXUAL LICENTIOUSNESS, AND GORE! (Yeah, no. Not Al Gore ... thankfully. That would simply be TOO MUCH!) Everyone send their prayers to Ms Fields who nearly died at this event....
Dramatic Footage Shows Moment Iraq War Vet Was Shot 70 Times In Home... Report Reveals He Did Not Open Fire On Swat Team
Thanks to Will at The Other News: A U.S. Marine who was killed when he was gunned down in his home near Tucson, Arizona, never fired on the SWAT team that stormed his house firing 70 times in a hail of bullets, a report has revealed. The revelation...
Looks pretty doesn't it? Pretty deceiving.... PLEASE, DON 'T USE THESE STAMPS! NOT FOR VALENTINE'S, NOT FOR ANY MAIL!! REMEMBER to adamantly & vocally BOYCOTT this stamp, when you are purchasing your stamps at the post office.. All...
Sailor's Trial Provides Window Into Navy Fears After Cole Attack
By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN Associated press Writer NEW HAVEN, Conn. - U.S. Navy commanders were wary as their ships headed to the Persian Gulf in the months after a terrorist ambush in 2000 killed 17 sailors aboard the USS Cole. Passing the Strait of Hormuz,...
Remember The Cole!
Remember the Maine! But do you remember the Cole? Most of our readers probably do remember the USS Cole, which was badly damaged in a terrorist attack on Columbus Day of 2000, when the ship was refueling in Yemen during the prodromal stage of the current...
Green Energy