Green Energy
We Do Win One - Sometimes

For over 5 years and paying $6000 a year, the Middle East Christian Association, an association for the human rights of Christians in the Middle East, maintains a chat room provided by Paltalk to speak to Christian users from the
Middle East.
But it seems such communications between middle-east Christians has gotten some Muslim’s panties in a bunch and they decided to flex their intimidation muscles upon the provider of the chat room and bully them into dropping the Christian chat room.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Cassandra Moment At Iba - Christians Now Forced To Pay Jizya In Iraq (no Jews Left, I Assume)
Christians in a northern Iraqi city are reportedly being ordered to pay a tax in return for protection by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.A Middle Eastern Christian website and a Lebanese daily reported that Christians have been required to pay $250...
Democrat Holds Up Legislation To Protect Middle East Religious Minorities, Sanctions Obama's Abandonment Of Brutalized Non-muslims In Muslim Countries
From Atlas Shrugs: The monstrous Islamic persecution, oppression and laughter of Christians, Coptic Christians, Baha’is, Chaldo-Assyrians, Ahmadis, Jews and non-Muslims throughout the Middle East, South Central Asia and other Muslim countries cannot...
15 Shocking Quotes from Catholic Bishops About Muslim Aggression in the Middle East At the Vatican’s Synod Hall, over 250 Catholic bishops are meeting for the Special Assembly for the Middle East for the Synod of Bishops. It is intended...
Vatican: "the Land That Was The Cradle Of Christianity Risks Ending Up Without Christians"
From Jihad Watch: True: Many forget that the Middle East was indeed, particularly Egypt and Syria, the "cradle of Christianity" and played a major role in the articulation of Christian theology and the concept of monasticism. So what happened? Basically,...
A Open Letter To The Palestinians From New Zealand
This is an e-mail which I (the Anti-Jihadist) received last week, an outstanding piece of writing from a man in New Zealand. Too bad not many people are as capable of understanding the Middle East as this gentleman is. Please read it, print it out, keep...
Green Energy