Green Energy
We Don't Need To Attack Iran Or Use Nukes" - An Interesting Comment From An Anonymous Commenter

The West doesn't NEED to attack Iran or use Nukes.
As I hear MOST Iranians do not fully support the Government or the President or the Imams and Mullahs, but like the bullied Germans in the mid 20th century dare not disobey.
Muslims NEED to be either freed from their 7th century beliefs
or forced to "come out".
Two or three conventional missiles aimed at the Ka'aba in Mecca and the two mosques on Temple Mount would either force them to become a convential army - or make them say "ah well" and discard their mantle and become true world citizens without the chains of Islam.
WHAT a diplomatic incident! But then who would know who did it anyway? Actually a few RPGs might be as good - and just WHO did it?
True they will blame the US whatever but they even blamed the US (and Jews) for 9/11. Islam spawns a blame culture . Could NEVER be them. Perhaps we should learn from their example!
The Muslims are NEVER to blame.
They ARE, after all, better than anyone else (except the women that is - and ARABS are best of all - a fact most non-Arab Muslims fail to realise.) the Pakistanis in an Islamic State would at best be 2nd class citizens.
Then again if we leave them alone their inter-sect fighting will eliminate many more than will be eliminated by East-West wars.
So much for the Umma and the Brotherhood then. (BOTH fictitious and supremacist.)
Is it REALLY true that a Pakistani peasant with NO education, limited intelligence, work-shy, and living in disgusting conditions is ACTUALLY better than me?
I don't think so but Islam does. They even claim that I am "dirty".
I do not claim to be better than them but THEY claim to be better than me. The peasant, freed from the constraints of Islam might well bossom
Funny how they want to come here to the UK then.
No doubt the free welfare benefits are just as good as jizyya and, if they can manage it then tax evasion is another good rip-off. After all it is "cultural".
So TAKE OUT the Ka'aba and deal with the fallout! If I only HAD access to Mecca (and non-muslims do not) then I'd happily do it for the benefit of ALL mankind.
The fallout? Well I'd guess it would cause the confusion caused when one destroys an ants nest
Just a thought
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