Green Energy
We Will Never Forget Beslan

As horrifying and evil as the September 11th attacks on America were, there was an almost equally horrifying attack waged in Chechneya two years ago today.
Chechneyan Muslims (with connection to Al Qaeda) stormed an elementary school in Beslan, Chechneya, taking over 1,100 teachers and students hostage. During the ensuing standoff with police, the Jihadis raped young girls, shot teachers, strung the entire school with explosives, and forced children to drink urine.
In the end, the Jihadis went Apocalypse Now on the school, murdering 319 people, 186 of whom were children.
The Beslan Massacre
The Beslan Pieta Today is the 10th Anniversary of the Beslan Massacre, when Scuzlims took 1200 hostages, mostly women and children, at an Elementary school in Beslan, Russia. The children were sexually molested, deprived of food and water, forced to drink...
Jihad Gangs Plotting Takeover Of British Schools
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Remember Beslan
In Chechneya, Jihadist took over a school, assaulted and raped children, forced them to drink urine, and were responsible for the deaths of 334 people, including 156 children. Beslan: They knifed babies, they raped girls "THE full horror of the Russian...
CNN: Schoolgirls and teachers sick from poison gas in Afghanistan Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Dozens of schoolgirls and teachers were sickened Wednesday by poison gas in Afghanistan, medical and government officials said. The latest incident, this one...
Beslan Victims Angry At Government: Ap Article Unclear On Why
This is a mystifying article, if you ask me. Read the whole thing and you will find no reference to Islam, Islamofascism, or Muslims, even though Jihad against the Infidels was, clearly, the reason that the terrorists stormed the school and killed 331...
Green Energy