Green Energy
Weekly Radio Show: August 17

Listen to
The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which
WC and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at noon, Pacific Time.
The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.
Callers welcome! Friday, August 17: We have two interviewees scheduled this week: (1) Ann Corcoran of
Refugee Resettlement Watch and (2) Foe Hammer of
Foehammer's Anvil.
Our first guest, Ann Corcoran, exposes to the light of day information relating to the immigration of Muslims to the United States. According to "About" at
Refugee Resettlement Watch,
this very quiet effort is that these non-profit groups bring to the US on average each year 25,000 15,000 (FY90-FY03) Muslim refugees from the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans, etc, almost completely funded by the US Government through grants and contracts to these non-government agencies.
Our second scheduled guest, who will be with us at the bottom of the hour, is Foehammer. His state-of-the-art
blog carries the header
"Truth, not Islam" and just below states the following:
Welcome to the Anvil. You’re about to enter the fight in a way that most are too afraid to even discuss. This is not a site for the faint-hearted infidel, so if the idea of discovering the truth about Islam and the ‘Long War’ frightens you, turn back now. Otherwise, come on in and make use of the information here, participate, learn and educate. Frequenters of
Jihad Watch often see Foe Hammer's fearless comments there.
If you are unable to listen live to the radio show, you can listen to recordings of the radio broadcasts later by
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Green Energy