Green Energy
Weiner Wants A Huma?!? Somehow, I Doubt It

Democratic Representative Anthony Weiner has come out of the closet and admitted he is "dating" Hilary's girlfriend Huma Abedin.
It should come as no surprise that Weiner (who is a very attractive man) is dating an attracitve young lady like Huma, right?
Yeah, right.

Somehow, I'm not buying it.
From the New York Daily News:
Anthony Weiner, a likely 2009 mayoral candidate, is pouring his heart into Hillary Clinton's White House bid - literally.
Weiner, whose district includes parts of Queens and Brooklyn, finally 'fessed that he is romancing Clinton's glamorous "body woman," Huma Abedin.
Asked by The Associated Press about all the time he's spending on the road campaigning for Clinton, the 43-year-old bachelor said, "It's largely because I'm dating Huma."
The whispers have been around for months, but until yesterday Weiner ducked questions about Abedin, saying his personal life was off limits.
Though she posed recently for a glamorous photo spread in Vogue, Abedin, 32, is famously press-shy.
A comment named Pyrrus, at the Daily News website, nailed the story:
I don't care whether or not Wiener is gay and she's his "beard." I also don't care if he's a Jew & she's a Muslim. What I want to know is who is PAYING for him to chase Ms. Abedin around the country. Is it the Clinton campaign (that's already $20M in debt) or is it his congressional account ... which translates to YOU & ME?
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