Again Riots of Muslim Youth in France.
Again they set cars on fire. And again, they attack policemen and firemen.
By E.J. Bron
Because the 21-year-old delinquent Mohammed Benmouna hanged himself in his prison cell [last Monday, after hanging himself, he went into a coma, and died Wednesday in Saint-Étienne Hospital. He was under arrest for attempted extortion and in custody at the police office of Chambon-Feugerolles (Loire)], last night riots by Muslim youth returned for yet another night. During the third night in succession, it came to heavy riots in a suburb of the French city of Saint-Étienne, where these fellow citizens also set a shopping mall on fire in Firminy and many other small shops [see article below].These youngsters are convinced that the police hanged Mohammed Benmouna in his cell. There is no evidence for that of course — even the prosecutor does not have any — but still the young fellow citizens put increasing pressure on the authorities to admit their “guilt”. Benmouna’s parents have announced that they will take legal action and demand a comprehensive investigation of the incident. [Actually, the father stirred up the anger by stating on French TV: “My son did not commit suicide; he was full of life. Did the police do it? […] I do not understand what happened.”] Even Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said that it most probably was suicide. This all doesn’t matter to the troublemakers. Meanwhile, the unrest is now also spreading to other French cities [in particular: the Muslim zones — translator].
These youngsters are the children of Tunisian and North African immigrants, who are indeed included in the French state and are well taken care of, but have a deep contempt for the symbols of their new homeland and state authority. They are the young people from now more than 700 officially- designated “problem areas” [in majority Muslim — translator], in which the children of immigrants are trying to seize power and constantly challenge the French state authority.
President Sarkozy immediately after taking office introduced a return premium to the value of €8000, offered to Muslim families in France to leave for good. A few months later he also announced the cancellation of the state benefit to Muslims [jizya — translator] in France who are unwilling to integrate. That stirred up hatred among young Muslims in France.
Third Consecutive Night of Rioting in France
Rioters set cars and shops on fire
In a suburb of the French town of Saint-Étienne it came to riots for the third night. Ten cars and seven stores in a retail center in Firminy were set on fire, firefighters reported.
Police and firefighters were attacked by rioting youths with stones and rubbish. The police had to use tear gas, and six youths were arrested. Reports of injuries were not available.
The trigger for the riots in the city of Lyon was the death of the detained 21-year-old Mohammed Benmouna, who according to the authorities committed suicide in his prison cell. Many of the protesting youths, however, hold the police responsible. Benmouna’s parents initiated legal action and demanded a full investigation of the incident. On two previous nights it had come to serious riots, in which dozens of cars, garbage containers and abandoned buildings were set on fire.
Note: Data on the ZUS (Zones Urbaines Sensibles) are available in theofficial “Atlas of Sensitive Urban Areas in France”.
Translated into non-PC language: “Atlas of semi-autonomous Muslim occupied territories in France”.