Green Energy
We're NOT paranoid
Why Epa. Pasto, AoW & I are waiting for the drones and Black Helicopters. . .
The Blaze:The Associated Press is reporting that the National Security Agency collected thousands of U.S. Internet communications over three years with no terror connections.
BREAKING: NSA collected thousands of US internet communications over 3 years with no terror connection
5 minutes ago via SocialFlow
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None Dare Call It Fascism
What country am I living in? Rules of law are ignored. Financial rules in operation for hundreds of years thrown aside. Intellectual property rights stomped on for political correctness.
My Point Exactly
The Blaze Matt Drudge Goes Off on Republican Party: ‘WHO ARE THEY?!’ Matt Drudge, founder and editor of the influential Drudge Report, is a conservative by all accounts. But at least for Tuesday, he was anti-Republican Party.“Why would anyone vote...
Brad Thor says if the DOJ won't give George Zimmerman his gun back, he'll buy him one. And all the ammo he needs. The hosts of Windy City Live, predictably, question whether that's a good idea. #bbpBox_358075735241523200 a { text-decoration:none;...
Is The Anything The Least Bit Surprising About This: U.s. Agencies Said To Swap Data With Thousands Of Firms
Bloomberg:Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people...
"i Guess It's Cuz When Obama Says This Stuff, I Don't Think He Really Means It"
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Green Energy