Green Energy
What? No "Panties On The Head?"

While a lot of people who apparently don't get out a lot railed and screeched over Abu Ghraib's famed "panties on the head" abuse of prisoners, very few of these pseudo-intellectuals can be bothered to comment about the genuine bloody torture that is occurring on the battlefield of the Long War.
The Smoking Gun describes the instructions contained in an al-Qaeda torture manual found by US troops in a raid on a safe house in Iraq. (Warning graphic drawings)
In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like “blowtorch to the skin” and “eye removal.” Along with the images, which you’ll find on the following pages, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters.
What? No humiliating body searches by women or the disrepectful handling of Korans?
Silence on Torture: Silence is complicity, you know. (Instapundit)
For somebody who loves torture stories to death, there’s lots of silence about this from Andrew Sullivan who’s busy slamming Catholics, sniffing out homophobia, rooting about with Ron Paul and showing the view from somebody’s window. It’s just work, work, work, for Andrew.
Don Surber asks and answers: What was Amnesty International’s reaction? — cricket chirp
“Given the media’s fascination with what American soldiers were doing at Abu Ghraib, is it safe to assume that the same level of attention will be given to what our enemy is doing? Or, would that be too much like journalism?” (Newsbusters)
The media, and the less bright bloggers, appear to be fixated on the exaggeration of the sins of coalition forces, and completely blind to the actual horror that is being faced by the western world. These self-lobotomised bloggers and journalists were all over Abu Ghraib, but since looking at the real threats to civilisation might upset some of their "readers," they choose to ignore the real problems.
Respect them? What is there to respect?
Gaubatz: Us Troops Would Die For America But Not For Obama
Frontpage has an interview (or here if the link won't work) conducted by Jamie Glazov with Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian federal agent to arrive in Iraq in 2003, which sheds light on the "flip-flopping" behavior of Obama with regard to intelligence...
Wtf Kind Of Religion Is This? Torture Chamber Found In Mosque
From Jihad Watch: Now don't go getting all excited. Doesn't your local church have a torture chamber? What's that? It doesn't? Well, okay, but there must be at least a room in the basement where they rough up heretics? No? But...but...well,...
Imperialist American Pig-dogs Rescue 42 Iraqis From Al-qaeda Prison
BAGHDAD — U.S. forces raided an Al Qaeda hide-out northeast of Baghdad on Sunday and freed 42 Iraqis imprisoned inside, including some who had been tortured and suffered broken bones, a senior U.S. military official said Sunday. The raid was part of...
What Is Torture?
To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment - Item C, Article 3...
A Plea For Assistance. Help Save The Life Of An Iranian Blogger.
The crackdown on bloggers in Iran continues. Entailing inprisonment, torture and death. Korosh from Price of the Freedom is sending out a plea to all, to contact government officials to try and save the life of blogger Abed Tavanche. An Iranian Blogger...
Green Energy