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What a Douchebag
Simon Cowell to Convert to Islam to Marry Girlfriend?

From Logan's Warning:
Here we go again, another ignorant Hollywood “star” might take the leap, and join the religion of lying, rape, and war. Cowell was born in the UK, so he must have some idea what is going on there with Islam. Maybe he will completely surrender, and get married in one of the UK’s Sharia Courts. If he converts, mark him up as a traitor to Western Civilization. Maybe he can judge American Idol by Islamic Law.
Simon Cowell to convert to Islam to marry girlfriend?
Mezhgan Hussainy’s family wants music mogul Simon Cowell to convert to Islam before he marries her, says a report.
The ‘American Idol’ judge had proposed to Hussainy last week.
‘They’re very westernised, but no one in their family has ever married a non-Muslim – and they’re not willing for their youngest daughter to become the first,’ quoted a source as saying about Hussainy’s parents Mary and Sayed.
Hussainy’s sister-in-law Erlene Garcia was also asked to convert before marrying her brother Wahid.
According to Hussainy’s friend, ‘Mezhgan is very reluctant about asking Simon to convert…and she knows how controversial it will be.’
‘Simon might be a big deal in the UK, but there are other people in the Afghan community in Los Angeles who her parents will be more afraid of offending. It would bring shame on their family and community if Simon did not respect their beliefs,’ the friend added.
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Do the beliefs of non-Muslims ever count, how about she leaves Islam for him?
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