Question: Why do you think so few nonwhite Americans support the Republican Party right now?
Michael Steele: 'Cause we have offered them nothing! And the impression we've created is that we don't give a damn about them or we just outright don't like them. And that's not a healthy thing for a political party. I think the way we've talked about immigration, the way we've talked about some of the issues that are important to African-Americans, like affirmative action... I mean, you know, having an absolute holier-than-thou attitude about something that's important to a particular community doesn't engender confidence in your leadership by that community--or consideration of you for office or other things--because you've already given off the vibe that you don't care. What I'm trying to do now is to say we do give a damn.
This nation became dominant in the world based on the 1st generation Americans of those who arrived from the end of the civil war until 1924, when immigration quotas were established by congress.It is my belief that prior to 1924 we had the right idea. But none of that has the LEAST BIT to do with BORDER SECURITY. Immigration and border security are two separate subjects, and guess what? They are NOT connected.

Why have the republicans FAILED UTTERLY to even make an attempt to articulate the difference between these two subjects?
Or is it that Pat Buchanan accurately represents what the party believes on this issue?
In which case they will never win a national election again, unless a national disaster creates complete loathing for the dems.
So how about it Michael Steele?
Stand up for what made us the world's dominant nation by the time WW1 ended, and gave us the greatest generation.
Open immigration for those who wish to become americans, and make us gretater than we could be otherwise.
Excoriate and reject the message of Buchanan and others who believe this way, and differentiate between a real, and secure border, and making us a haven for those who want american lives.