Green Energy
What was Obama trying to achieve saying ‘ISIS is not Islamic’?
Was he asserting HIS OWN interpretation of Islam?
Was he saying no religion can condone killing of innocents and therefore ISIS is irreligious in general? If so, WHO IS INNOCENT? ISIS would claim only those who are muslim, or CONVERT to Islam can be innocent. They have said they have been ordered (as was Muhammad) to fight the people until they worship Allah only in the way Muhammad was ordered to (8:39). Is Obama the one to deny that is Islam? No, really, is he?
Was Obama’s statement because he is afraid of the USA being actually filled with his vision of Officer Wilson's (Ferguson, REMEMBER THAT?) and we would run amok like the bunch of crackers we really are seeking out Muslims to abuse? (P.S., THERE IS NO WAY THIS SOCIETY WOULD TOLERATE THAT, and after 9/11 we did not ..kooks were stepped on - HARD)
Why would Obama make a counterintuitve claim so breathtaking that it came out in this household as, ‘What are you going to believe Americans, me or your lying eyes?’
This assertion left everyone here looking at each other like ‘WTF?’
As the first statement in this justification for what followed we had to FORCE ourselves to pay attention after that.

Whatever Barack Obama was trying to say with this assertion went right by us here in Epa-Land (also known as Norman Rockwell land).
It lands as another incomprehensible, probable self deception, to justify in his own world view why he does the things he does.
His touting of the ‘successes’ against Islamist (?) terror in Somalia nd Yemen firm up this view of his view. WHAT SUCCESSES?
If his world view is so out of sync with objective reality, then what can he be trying to achieve?
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Interesting Observation
Made by Vox (dated February 19, 2015): Obama should stop pretending Islamist terrorism has nothing to do with Islam ...Obama, by refusing to acknowledge that there is such a thing as Islamist extremism, has tied his own hands; he cannot draw a distinction...
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The Terrorist God
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Green Energy