Green Energy
What Would You Propose?

I came across another list of possible solutions to the relentless Islamic political encroachment. This is an answer to the question, "So what do you think CAN be done about all this besides moral grandstanding and warning about 'our failure to act?'" This one seems very reasonable, and all of these proposals are attainable and would be effective. This list is from a longer article by Dr. Babu Suseelan, Pathways to Jihadi Terrorism. Here's his list:
1. Ban or reform all Islamic madrasas.
2. Deny permission to construct mosques.
3. Consider limiting immigrants from Islamic countries to free countries.
4. Closely monitor students studying in free countries from Islamic nations.
5. Stop the flow of funds from Saudi Arabia to American Islamic schools.
6. Deny visas to Muslim Imams from India, Pakistan and the Middle East.
7. Establish radio and television stations in and around Islamic nations.
8. Use mind manipulation techniques to denounce evil practices of Jihadis.
9. Stop immediately the conversion of correctional populations into Muslims. This is a serious consideration. The U.S. has 2.5 million offenders in federal correctional institutions, state prisons and local jails. 95% percent of them will return to our communities. Converted Muslims with criminal proclivities are a potential danger. They could work as sleeper-agents in our communities. Most of the prisons employ Imams and 95% percent of them are from Pakistan, India, Iran, and from the Middle East.
Number one would be difficult to do, but I think it is perhaps the most important. Number 8 refers to psychological warfare using mainstream media to produce shame and guilt.
All of these could help answer the question, "Okay, then, what do you think should be done about it?" What are you trying to accomplish? How do you propose accomplishing it?
I would add, of course, applying sedition laws and massive educational programs to non-Muslims about Islam.
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Green Energy