Green Energy
What's the Mossad for anyway?
Iran's Ahmadinejad to tour Latin America
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to kick off a four-day tour Saturday to Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela, whose leaders share his defiance towards the United States, media said.
"Ahmadinejad will start his visit with a trip to Venezuela to hold official talks with his counterpart President Hugo Chavez," the Kayhan newspaper quoted a presidential statement as saying.
So sorry, engine problems.
The Iranian president has maintained a close relationship with his fiery Venezuelan counterpart, who has given his unequivocal support to Iran's nuclear programme and its hostility towards the United States. Ahmadinejad visited Venezuela last September while Chavez has made numerous trips to the Islamic republic.
After his one day visit to Caracas, Ahmadinejad is scheduled to head to Managua to hold talks with the Nicaraguan president elect and former US foe Daniel Ortega.
Whoops, hydraulic failure
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Hugo Chavez And Hezbollah
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Say, What Was That Patrick Swayze Flick ? The One Without "baby" In The Corner.
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