Green Energy
When 'progressive' columnists take hyperpartisan positions over three mass murderers in order to justify RDS...

Yes it's now mutated from Bush derangement syndrome to republican derangement syndrome (after all, I suppose, since all those repubs cheated america out of Al Gore in 2000...)

I've seen some convoluted ethical and philosophical gymnastics to paint the opposition into some kind of imagined partisan corner before, but this one takes the cake.
I know the LA Times in getting rid of Robert Scheer was setting a tone of less real stupidity in the op-ed area, but now Rosa Brooks moves in to claim the mantle of galactically stupid comparisons.

Rosa Brooks:
Torture: the new abortion
The legality of torture takes over as the political litmus test in campaigns and confirmation hearings.
November 8, 2007
Remember that golden, innocent time -- the 1980s and '90s -- when the phrase "political litmus test" was associated with the debate about abortion rights, and torture was associated with the Spanish Inquisition?
Those days are gone. And, as usual in life, there's good news and bad news. The good news? Abortion isn't nearly as divisive an issue as it used to be. The bad news? For the GOP, torture is the new abortion.
Not too long ago, judicial nominees and political candidates could expect to be grilled on abortion. As the Republican leadership became dominated by right-wing evangelicals, staunch opposition to abortion became a precondition for those seeking support from GOP insiders. Soon, abortion was a litmus test for both parties. Just as Republicans would oppose any candidate or nominee who supported abortion rights, Democrats would oppose anyone who wanted Roe vs. Wade overturned.
Everyone getting it? If you want to be a republican, the litmus test is if you are willing to sanction breaking arms, hot irons, and electrical stimulation of certain parts.

That's the painting progressives want to complete of those who in some ways may be to THEIR right, if not on THE right. I feel like I am listening to the truly sci-fi commissars of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. Is it supposed to be believable?
Is this the real conclusion of serious people, when it's really waterboarding we're talking about and the 3 men waterboarded in american history since 2001 are ALL mass murderers with 3000 american dead on their hands and active operational knowledge of more operations? Operations not on what we think of as the field of battle, but operations which are aimed at where we live in our quiet little capitalistic, selfish, propertied, privileged, mini-Eichmann lives, eh?
If methods which some consider distasteful, and others consider illegal, if not torture, lasting AT A MAXIMUM slightly over 140 seconds, on three men, like Khalid Sheik Mohammad, and Ramzi Bin Alshib ...excuse, me but the only way way this is worth getting worked up over, is if people like YOU Rosa Brooks, seek to manufacture attempts to uncover operations meant to kill innocent american civilians (like you), into a method to make people on YOUR right, into the Reynhard Heydrich.
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