Green Energy
When the Arab Spring Blooms in Paris and San Bernardino
The Arab Spring
From Mark Steyn:
By the way, what does “vetting” even mean? In a multiculti world, you can believe everything Caliph al-Baghdadi does – that infidels are unclean, that women are the property of men and should be forbidden to feel sunlight on their faces, that homosexuals should be tossed off the roofs of buildings, that apostasy should be punishable by death, that Sharia should be introduced in western nations, and that the Islamic crescent should one day fly from the White House and Buckingham Palace and the Élysée and St Peter’s. And Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have no problem with that, as long as you don’t actually build a pipe bomb or blow up an airliner.
It's The "crime", Not The Punishment, That Makes Sharia Evil
People usually focus on the barbarity of the punishment. And it is horrific. But it is the "crime" the punishment is for that is the real problem. Women get stoned to death for being the victim of rape. Women and men get stoned to death for "apostasy",...
Obama Says The Islamization Of The Middle East (the "arab Spring") Has Not Made Things Worse For Israel
( – President Obama on Sunday played down the notion that the conflict between Israel and Hamas has been complicated by “Arab spring” transitions in the Middle East.Despite warnings from various Arab leaders and Turkey that Israel...
The Arab Spring In Tunisia
From Jihad Watch: Tunisia: Muslims besiege university, take hostages to demand face veils, end of mixed classes ...Tunisia's Salafists have become more assertive in recent months, following the revolution that ousted a staunchly secular regime along...
Santorum: "the Gathering Storm I Have Been Warning Of For Years Has Now Formed Over The West"
From Jihad Watch: "Yet instead of fighting the gradual incursion of Sharia and the demands of an intolerant, even militant Islam, Westerners are cowering and fatalistic.""The Elephant in the Room: Intimidating critics of Islam: Politicians and citizens...
The Five Solutions
Those who adhere to the Islamofascist ideology have made it clear that they are war with the Western way of life. They use many means to defeat us. They use Violent Jihad, Legal Jihad, cultural Jihad, Academic Jihad, Demographic Jihad, and many other...
Green Energy