And it's so painfully clear.
It's unbelievable. Tragic, Comedic. Grand. It's bigger than the train wreck that frees Harrison Ford as Richard Kimble.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is expected to publish his healthcare plan as early as Sunday or Monday, combining features of the two Democratic bills passed by the Senate and House of Representatives, congressional aides and healthcare advocates said on Friday.
The administration's bill will aim to jump-start the stalled healthcare overhaul and comes just days ahead of a planned televised White House summit with congressional Republicans, who are calling on Democrats to scrap the bills and start over with a far less sweeping proposal.
Democrats are struggling to push healthcare legislation over the finish line in the face of sagging public support and solid Republican opposition bolstered by recent election victories in Massachusetts, Virginia and New Jersey.
General Motors Co. Chief Executive Ed Whitacre will receive a pay package valued at $9 million to help turn around the government-owned auto maker, according to a regulatory filing.
Mr. Whitacre, according to the filing, will receive a $1.7 million base salary this year. The rest of his compensation is comprised of $5.3 million in stock available to him beginning in 2012 and restricted stock units valued currently at $2 million.
The auto maker will pay former-CEO Frederick "Fritz" Henderson $59,090 a month beginning this week for consulting on international operations. The consulting deal surprised some GM executives. Mr. Henderson has not been working for the company since he resigned under pressure from the GM board.
Meanwhile, the republican party is so pathetic it takes this incomprehensible shambles to create a resurrection of historic calamity for the other side.
This administration is RUSHING to do wrong. To piss off the people. To adhere to a non existent mandate. To pass the non voted for agenda.
They are making products that ask if you miss Bush BEST SELLERS.
And they INSIST ALL THE WHILE they are doing the people's will.
Somewhere Ron is laughing, and crying.
Sen. Evan Bayh's stunning decision to retire should serve as more than a wake-up call to Democrats. It should spur a fundamental re-examination and reorientation of the party's policies, practices and approaches leading into the fall election.
What then, do the Democrats need to do?
First, they need pro-growth, fiscally conservative policies. The tea party movement is not a Republican movement, and anyone who sees it as such is making a mistake. Rather, the tea party movement is a reaffirmation of a trend that has long been happening in American politics since 1964, with the move away from liberal, big-spending and big-taxing policies.
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