Green Energy
When will we recognize this is a world war, and act accordingly when called on
American efforts to restrict warfare and obey an archaic and defeatist version of rules will cost us our lives and freedom Anthony Cordesmann:
NO one can return from visiting the front in Afghanistan without realizing there is a very real risk that the United States and NATO will lose their war with Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the other Islamist movements fighting the Afghan government. Declassified intelligence made available during my recent trip there showed that major Al Qaeda, Taliban, Haqqani Network and Hezb-i-Islami sanctuaries exist in Pakistan, and that the areas they operate in within Afghanistan have increased fourfold over the last year.

I have been complaining about the idea of refuge in Pakistan continuously. Refuge in another nation for those who mean to kill us, is WORSE than Vietnam. We have no business trying to conduct a war this way. History has already judged this means of fighting a war.
"The very object of war is to produce results by death and slaughter, but the moment a battle occurs the newspapers make the leader responsible for the death and misery, whether of victory or defeat. If this be pushed much further officers of modesty and virtue will keep away, will draw back in to obscurity and leave our army to be led by fools or rash men." William T
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Green Energy