Green Energy
Where The Hell Are The Moderate Muslims?
Muslim Labor MP Sidiq Khan tried to blame unrest within the Muslim community on a lack of quality "engagement" between the government and Muslims.
Tony Blair said, "Bullshit," in so many words:
The government cannot alone root out extremism in Muslim communities and defeat the terrorism it creates, Prime Minister Tony Blair has said. He hit back at claims ministers had done little to win Muslim "hearts and minds" since the 7 July London bombs. He was speaking after Muslim Labour MP Sadiq Khan said he was disappointed with the government's engagement with the Muslim community in the year since the London bombings.He said there was an air of despondency over the achievements of the special taskforce set up by the government after the bombings. But Mr Blair, appearing before the Commons liaison committee of senior MPs, said he disagreed that ministers were not trying to work with the Muslim community. Mr Blair told MPs: "If we want to defeat the extremism, we have got to defeat its ideas and we have got to address the completely false sense of grievance against the West. "In the end, government itself cannot go and root out the extremism in these communities. "I am probably not the person to go into the Muslim community ... It's better that we mobilise the Islamic community itself to do this. "I know everyone always wants to blame the government for everything that is happening .... but we can't defeat this extremism through whatever a government does. "We can only defeat it if we have people in the community who are going to stand up and not merely say 'you are wrong to kill people through terrorism... you're wrong in your view of the West, the whole sense of grievance, the ideology is wrong, is profoundly wrong'."Tony Blair is absolutely right on this. What the hell is the government supposed to do? Go in and play footsies with the "youths"? Are they supposed to start after-school basketall leagues? Are they supposed to put a wiretap in every house? Or, are they supposed to go in and just start shooting everyone who looks like a Jihadi?
The problem is not one of a disaffected community. The problem is we are at war with Jihadis spread out around the world. This is a war. It is not a police action, and it is not an opportunity for community service.
If the Muslim community knows there are Jihadis within their midst, then it is incumbent upon them, it is their responsibility as citizens, to hand those Jihadis over to the authorities.
If they do not want to do so, then they have declared themselves to be in league with the Jihadis, and therefore, they are also at war with the West.
But, we can't believe this of the Muslims in our midst, can we? Surely there must be large numbers of normal peace-loving human beings in the Muslim community.
Supernatural Blog also notes the mystifying half-formed ghostly presence of moderate Muslims:
I have often mentioned that strengthening the moderate Muslims is one of the most important aspects to winning the global war against Islamic fundamentalism. Recently one of our readers, Barry, questioned if these moderate Muslims actually exist. He speculated that their silence was not so much an anomaly but rather a form of tacit support for the barbaric acts that are carried out in their name. Until now there was little evidence to test this frightening theory. However, last week the Pew Research Centre released a survey of the attitude of Muslim’s around the world towards the West and terrorism. Muslims in 10 different countries (5 Muslim majority, 5 non-Muslim majority states) were polled. I have highlighted some of the more interesting findings.Prevalence of conspiracy theories Leftists repeat ad nausea the mantra that we must address the ‘the root cause’ of Islamic terrorism. While their intention is surely to justify these heinous acts by blaming them on western militarism and economic imperialism, conservatives should nevertheless not shy away from this debate.
There is a vast amount of evidence to suggest that a culture of victimhood and an inability to accept their civilizational decline is at the core of the flock to fundamentalism. The prevalence of conspiracy theories attributing all evil to Jews and the West through the Muslim world is indicative of the extent of this phenomenon. The Pew Poll found that in 9 out of the 10 Muslim communities surveyed a majority believe that 9/11 was NOT carried out by Arabs. In Britain only 17% believed Arabs were responsible.(Go read the rest at Supernatural Blog.)
The moderate Muslims of the world had better start standing up, because if they don't eventually some other solutions are going to be implemented. And, they won't be pretty. Look at the history of Western Civilization to see what Western nations do when they feel they have their back up against the wall.
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