Green Energy
Where Was Hitler At The University of Pennsylvania Halloween Party?
University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutman with her friend Saad Saadi. Thanks to Ronald Barbour for making me aware of this:
University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann threw her annual Halloween costume party at her home Tuesday night. Among the guests was Saad Saadi, who came dressed as a suicide bomber, complete with plastic dynamite strapped to his chest and a toy automatic rifle. Worse, Gutmann posed with Saadi!An obvious question: would Gutmann have posed with a guest--or even allowed him into her house--if he'd dressed as Adolf Hitler or a Nazi SS officer? A KKK member?But in modern liberal circles, posing as a Palestinian suicide bomber (see his kefiya) is just fine. After all, he mainly tries to kill innocent Jews.Saad Saadi has a web site, at which he has posted many photographs along with the apology posted below.
My friend, Jason, and I express our condolences and sympathy to all affected by our costumes. We wish to make it clear that we do not support terrorism, violence, or anything that is against society. There is no agenda or statement associated with our behavior shown in these pictures. The costumes are meant to portray scary characters much like many other costumes on Halloween. Additionally, we strive for all societies to instill healthy and non-violent values.Hey, maybe I'll go to an Muslim party dressed as Vlad the Impaler. How's that?
Go check out Ronald's blog. He has more photos of this event which you will want to see.
Honestly, I think I can understand Saad's apology. When people are young they do have a hard time understanding the true horror of the suffering of others. It could be that Saad really has no Jihadi sympathies.
However, wouldn't you think the fucking President of University of Pennsylvania would have more sense? Well, maybe she has sympathy for the Jihad. That wouldn't be surprising, would it?
The Islamic State Destroys An Entire Sunni Town In Iraq. And Those Muslims Who Lost Their Town Blame America, Not The Muslims Who Actually Committed The Crime
From NPR: A small Sunni Arab town north of Baghdad put up a fight when Sunni Muslim extremists from the so-called Islamic State tried to impose their rule on the town. The residents lost, and now the town, Zowiya, just outside of Tikrit, is destroyed. More...
Jewish Brandeis University Refuses To Distance Itself From Islamic Jihad “nazi-style” Rally Held On Campus Of Palestinian Partner School
From the Free Beacon: Brandeis University is facing criticism from students and faculty members after refusing to distance itself from an event recently held on the campus of its Palestinian partner school that critics decried as a “Nazi-style” rally. Brandeis,...
Moslems And Halloween
On a whim, I Google searched "Halloween + Islam" and got this, among many other hits: Halloween is upon us, and scores of children dressed up as everything imaginable will soon hit the streets, going door-to-door for candy. This year my five-year-old...
Any Readers From Dallas/fort Worth Area?
Perhaps you could phone in to this radio station this Sunday and ask Saad Chisty and Abu Hashim if they have repudiated the intolerant and violent passages of the Qur'an. And then please let us know what happened. Saad Chisty and Abu Hashim have a...
Dalai Lama Says It's Wrong To Call Islam A Violent Religion
Alrighty then. From Fox: BETHLEHEM, Pennsylvania — The Dalai Lama said that "it's totally wrong, unfair" to call Islam a violent religion. The Tibetan spiritual leader, appearing Sunday at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, offered a defense of...
Green Energy