Green Energy
While The Left Gulps. . .
Americans are feeling it. Burning in
their blood. Prickling in
their DNA. That sensation right before the shit hits the fan.
Rove doesn't get it even though he tried
a lip service smoothing over to O'Donnell on Fox today.
Boehner doesn't get it,
caving in on the tax cuts just as more and more Dems are starting to say they should stay in place.Chris Christie doesn't get it, standing for a mosque and
against a New Jersey Transit worker who stood in opposition.
doesn't get it. Her people have spoken.
Harry and Nancy
don't get it. They haven't gotten it for years. Unless they've been getting it from each other which just makes me
shudder and shiver uncontrollably.
Obama certainly doesn't get it although that may be okay, the more and longer vacations he takes the less damage he can do.
The Dems are sensing the dread of being in the crosshairs and are running for cover like nervous teenage rabbits caught copulating.
I'll take Palin over Rove, Beck over Boehner, O'Donnell over Christie any goddamn day.
Because the Palins and Becks and O'Donnells and DeMints and Limbaughs and Bachmanns and Armeys get it. Progress can be measured in inches and not just yards. But there must be progress and the old guard from either side just ain't it.
They get it and, depsite their shortcomings (none worse than anything we currently have in place) they are The New Minutemen
By ballot not bullet The Revolution Is On.
Just ask anyone at a Tea Party Rally.
Or in their crosshairs.
I Fucking Hate Chris Christie, And I'm Beginning To Fucking Hate The Republican Party Too
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I Don’t Know Why, But Ted Cruz Bothers Me
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Barack Obama Just Does Not Like The Job
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John Boehner: Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels Should Run
PUUUUULLLLEEEEZE!RUN YOU SOB’S, RUN.We need some people who understand the money issues and the realities of what must be done.We need some people who understand the job issues.We need some people unafraid to utter the words that need to be sounded...
"there Is A Very Seething Anger Out There. . ." Ya Think?! Buncha Fucking Geniuses Here. . .
Chris "I'm a dick and Obama makes me tingle" Matthews and a panel of true luminaries go as far as they can to smear Palin and Beck and Fox News and conservatives in general as potentially stirring someone to commit a McVeigh-like act. I mean, how...
Green Energy