Green Energy
White House: "Recovery Summer"

(With a
hat tip to LA Sunsett for the link below)
From the White House
web site, dated June 17, 2010, clearly pandering for votes:
WASHINGTON, DC – The Administration today kicks off “Recovery Summer,” a six-week-long focus on the surge in Recovery Act infrastructure projects that will be underway across the country in the coming months – and the jobs they’ll create well into the fall and through the end of the year. The Recovery Act has already funded tens of thousands of projects and put about 2.5 million Americans to work, but summer 2010 is actually poised to be the most active Recovery Act season yet, with tens of thousands of projects underway across the country that will help to create jobs for American workers and economic growth for businesses, large and small.
Now, there's nothing unusual about such projects shortly before an election. However, the BHO administration is going to try to make all of us so grateful for his
profligate spending of our tax dollars that we'll want to fall to our knees and worship him. Just as any other demagogue on a power grab has done.
Meanwhile, the federal government's plan to solve foreclosure problems, a huge part of the present ailing economy, is a dismal
Are Americans smart enough to see through the ruse and sham of "Recovery Summer"?
You can bet your last dollar that BHO will pay more attention to "Recovery Summer" than to the oil-spill crisis and consequent suffering in the Gulf.
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