Green Energy
Who You Calling "We", Allah?
Allah says,

If We had so willed, We could certainly have brought every soul its true guidance: but the Word from Me will come true, "I will fill Hell with Jinns and men all together."
Belgium: Muslims Sing Victory Song Two Days After Brussels Terrorist Attacks
BareNakedIslam: BELGIUM: Muslims sing victory song two days after Brussels terrorist attacks A group of Moroccan Muslims were singing an Islamic victory song (Nasheed) in the center of Brussels to celebrate the successful terror attacks of Airport Zaventem...
Everyone Loves Allah
In this video, we get to see the petulant "god", Allah in all his gory ... I mean, glory. (Sorry about that.) This is absolutely brilliant. My hats off to this guy. Ingmar Bergman wishes he had created this extraordinary piece of cinema, depicting the...
Satan Says: "the Hatred And Loathing Of Jews Is A Form Of Worship"
Wait, did I say "Satan"? I meant, Allah. Sorry about that. From Memri: Egyptian cleric Gharib Ramadhan: There are very many traits that characterize the Jews, and the Koran focused on a few of them, such as the violation of commitments, from which we...
Four Enclosed Walls
The band is Public Image.This was John Lydon's (Johnny Rotten) next project after the Sex Pistols imploded. Allah Allah Doom sits in gloom in his room Destroy the infidel In a mosque - In a ghost - Is a sword - Is a Saracen Allah Joan of Arc...
'only Dialogue We Want Is When All Religions Agree To Convert To Islam'
From WND "The day will soon come when the green flag of La Illah Illah Allah (There is no god but Allah) and Muhammad Rasul Allah (Muhammad is the prophet of Allah) will be raised upon the Vatican and all around the world and on the fortresses of those...
Green Energy