Why do we keep hearing, PAKISTAN,PAKISTAN,PAKISTAN ?
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Why do we keep hearing, PAKISTAN,PAKISTAN,PAKISTAN ?

Former Pakistan Intelligence Chief on Al-Jazeera: 'Israel is Our Main Enemy'; As Mel Gibson Said, 'The Jews Caused All the Wars'

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On August 8, 2006, Al-Jazeera TV aired footage of a press conference with Gen. Hamid Gul. At the conference, Gul, who headed Pakistan's Inter-service Intelligence Directorate from 1987-89 and whom, according to the Washington Times, was termed Pakistan's "most dangerous man" by an internal CIA assessment, [1] told reporters that "every Israeli leader has said that Pakistan is their number one enemy," and quoted Mel Gibson, stating that "the Jews caused all the wars."

TO VIEW THIS CLIP, VISIT: http://www.memritv.org/search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1233 .

According to an August 7, 2006 UPI article, General Gul, who is "known for pro-Taliban and pro-Al-Qaeda views, told the media that the United States would attack Syria and Iran next October, and that Pakistan, with its nuclear arsenal, was the only Islamic country that could use its nuclear capability to defeat Israel's designs." [2]

In a post-9/11 interview, Gul told Egypt's Al-Ahram Weekly that he "support[s] the implementation of Shari'a, and we must be governed by the rules of Allah." He also said, "The people who committed this crime [9/11] are inside America, and let me tell you that they are Israelis, not Muslims. Only Israelis can pull off a job like that..." Asked about whether he thought the U.S. authorities were aware of this, he said, "They are aware, but they are afraid of Israel's influence, which is why they are diverting attention to the outside." [3]

The following are excerpts from Gen. Gul's statements during the August 8th press conference on Al-Jazeera:

Gen. Hamid Gul: "From Ben Gurion to Netanyahu, every Israeli leader has said that Pakistan is their number one enemy."


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