Green Energy
Why Is The Muslim World Repressed?

I just thought of something, and I wonder if anyone would like to weigh in on it. When you look at a map of freedom in the world, you see that Muslim countries have fewer freedoms of all kinds than the rest of the world. The whole Muslim world is ruled by kings and dictatorships, and the countries tend to be ruled in a very repressive way. Is there an exception anywhere? I can't think of one. Even in countries that have not been strictly ruled by Islamic law, such as Saddam's Iraq, the government still ruled with an iron fist.
It just occurred to me that when a huge percentage of a country is Islamic, maybe you
have to rule with an iron fist. Muslims will push for Shari'a law relentlessly — violently when they can get away with it (non-violently if that's all they can do). The Islamic push is so persistent, so energetic, so resolute, so unyielding, and so
relentless, maybe the only way to keep it from usurping power is to
forcefully and even cruelly repress it.
So we have what we have now: Countries either repressively ruled by Islamic law, or countries repressively ruled by some other form of law. But no
free countries.
Maybe any country that tried to have less repression and more freedom could not survive and it has already been usurped by Islam. In other words, maybe the only non-Muslim governments in Muslim-majority areas that can survive the relentless onslaught are totalitarian, tyrannical regimes.
What do you think?
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Green Energy