Green Energy
Why So Socialist?

The answer: the Death Premise of those who hate the good for being the good:
Egalitarianism is so evil—and so silly—a doctrine that it deserves no serious study or discussion. But that doctrine has a certain diagnostic value: it is the open confession of the hidden disease that has been eating away the insides of civilization for two centuries (or longer) under many disguises and cover-ups. Like the half-witted member of a family struggling to preserve a reputable front, egalitarianism has escaped from a dark closet and is screaming to the world that the motive of its compassionate, "humanitarian," altruistic, collectivist brothers is not the desire to help the poor, but to destroy the competent. The motive is hatred of the good for being the good—a hatred focused specifically on the fountainhead of all goods, spiritual or material: the men of ability.
Ayn Rand, "Egalitarianism and Inflation," in
Philosophy: Who Needs It, pp. 146-166.
Today, they are out to destroy the medical profession.
Crossposted at The Dougout
10 Years Later: Daddy, Why Did Osama Bin Laden Hate Us And Want Us Dead?
On the morning of September 11th, 2001, my daughter was 3 years old. As we watched the buildings collapse, I began to weep, regretting that I had brought her into a world so cruel, dangerous, and unstable. But, just as quickly as tears came to my eyes,...
"why Do They Hate Us..."
...the self-loathers ask. Here's why, demonstrated at a beach in Israel: Joie de Vivre vs. "there is no fun in Islam." Or, the hatred of the good for being the good. Yeah, it's that simple. Crossposted at The Dougout...
Lockerbie Bomber
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El Rushbo On Self-interest
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What Makes A Gentleman?
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Green Energy