Green Energy
Why they fought
Below on the left is my Great Grandfather Frank Bartlett. This picture was taken in Brooklyn, NY just prior to him embarking to WWI. The picture on the right is my great uncle Ted Bartlett taken during WWII.
My uncle Jimmy Mitchell was an Air Force pilot in Vietnam. My uncle Dick Johnson spent many years in the Navy, then entered the Coast Guard and went to Vietnam.
Thank God all four of these men were able to survive, continue to serve their country and retire from the military.
Memorial Day is the day to remember all of those who didn't. They fought and died for our country, our freedom and our rights. Rights that appear to be slowly eaten away.
We Americans have been truly blessed. Blessed to be living in the most free, peaceful and prosperous country in the world. But today, there appears to be many people here who do not appreciate it. They are willing to stand by, watch and even encourage the changes that are taking place.
Changes that are in the realm of Socialism.
Socialism on the surface, appears to be such a wonderful ideal. But, if you ask people who live or have escaped socialist countries, they will tell you it is far from it.
Keep this one thought in mind... whenever you allow a person or government to take control of an aspect of your life, you give total control of that part of your life away. You no longer have any say so, whether you like it or not.
I like making my own choices. I like living my life the way that I want to. And so long as I am following the law, I do not want to be forced to answer to anyone, most especially the government.
And that is the way this country was built. It is slowly changing and I am not comfortable with that.
All of those men and women who have died for our country, would be seriously pissed if they saw the direction our country is going in.
That's all.

This is from my hometown paper. Not exactly a bastion of conservative thought (although they do better than many) so I was pleasantly surprised to see this op-ed this morning. Reading Eagle: Don Spatz: A day to cherish rights that are left It's July...
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Green Energy