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Winds of War: New Counter-Terrorist Magazine to Launch

Security Solutions International (SSI) hopes to launch a new counter-terrorist magazine in the Spring 2008 called the Counter-Terrorist. And they should know what they’re doing since SSI itself was established with the help of experienced Israeli elite counter-terrorism committed to providing state-of-the-art training to organizations throughout the world to combat terrorism.
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The Gathering Storm.
Fbi And Australian Police Cooperate In Raid On Jihad Funding House
A joint operation between the FBI and Australian authorities has led to arrests at some jihad headquarters in Melbourne: THE counter-terrorism police units working with the FBI have dramatically expanded the war against home-grown Islamic extremism,...
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Perhaps Brooks William Kelley could provide his own special bomb making articles. Wouldn't that be sweet? The Daily Mail: 'Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom': Al Qaeda launches its first online magazine in English Al Qaeda has launched...
Its Come to This: UK Monitoring Nursery Schools For Signs of Islamist Brainwashing.... The police and the British Intelligence are not allowed to say "Islamic Extremists". At the same time, the problem with Islamic Extremism is so bad, they have to monitor...
Stupid Muslim Joke
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Storm Track Appeasement: Counter-terrorism Doublespeak
You would think that a counter-terrorism strategy would be aggressive and work to help police seek out and disrupt terrorism activities. No so in Britain where political correctness trumps common sense. This reminds me of John Kerry’s statement that...
Green Energy