Green Energy
Winds of War: The Madrid Precedent – Will We Follow?

The jihadists have successfully used what is called now the Madrid Precedent. Will they try the same think on our Presidential election? Will it work? If the Democrats get elected it most certainly will.
The Madrid Precedent gets its name from the terrorist attacks on Spain on 3-11.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Ebola Quotation Of The Day
By Aesop, the owner of the blog Raconteur Report: [T]he hospital in [Madrid] was using BL2 respiratory protection for a BL4 virus, and the nursing union in Madrid sent letters to the authorities months back telling them that if anyone was treated for...
A Spanish Nurse Becomes The First Person To Contract Ebola Outside Of Africa
Spanish nurse being tested for Ebola contracted in Madrid - media & tested twice and both are positive MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish nurse who treated a priest in Madrid who died of Ebola is suspected to be the first case of the disease contracted...
Apology To Generalissimo Franco
Thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid yesterday against Israel's action in Lebanon. This account is from the Spanish blog Última Hora and by somebody who was there: 7000 people have protested Thursday in Madrid against Israel, summoned by the...
Storm Track Appeasement: The Crocodile Must Be Fed
From The Gathering StormShortly after the terrorist attacks in Madrid that killed 191 people and wounded 1400 more and the election of a left wing government, Spain withdrew its troops from Iraq surrendering their sovereignty to the Islamists. The leftist...
Spain Charges 32 Over Terror Plot
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Spain charges 32 over terror plot The alleged plot involved ramming an explosives truck into the court [in the photo, below] A Spanish judge [Grande-Marlaska] has charged 32 suspected Islamic militants over an alleged...
Green Energy