Green Energy
Winds of War: Thinking About the Unthinkable– Part 2: World War III

In Part One of this series, we discussed civil war in Europe. In this post we'll look at the face of World War III. Now, there’s talk from the military and intelligence sectors that the war we’re fighting against the Islamists is something new.
I disagree.
Islamists are using an age old tactic of guerrilla warfare - its use of the Viet Cong by the North Vietnamese is a recent example. We call it terrorism today. But the objective is the same. Weaken the opposition using surrogates by hitting them where it’s difficult or impossible to respond. Then follow up with conventional forces from the host nations that supported the insurgency with uniformed combatants.
Now it seems that I’ve been proven right – by the jihadists themselves, of all people.
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Winds Of War: Thinking About The Unthinkable– Part 3: War In America
In Part 2 of this series, we discussed how a militaristic ‘battle front’ might develop in World War III and how a civil war blow over from Europe or a nuke exchange in the mid-east hampering or halting the oil flow would precipitate a world war....
Thinking About The Unthinkable – Part 1: Civil War In Europe
I still stand on the statement that ‘real war’ will start when the free world finally awakes from its Islamist induced slumber. When the war arrives, it will be succinct, clear to everyone and with a focused objective - as it did for Europe on September...
Winds Of War: Rumsfeld Confirms Gathering Storm Blog -"we Are In A Gathering Storm"
OK. So he probably didn’t refer to my blog for his quote. Like myself, he’s and admirer of Winston Churchill. But Rumfeld is correct. He says: Churchill’s phrase about the gathering storm - there was a storm gathering, but there were people in...
Winds Of War: Shaping The Battlefield
From The Gathering Storm We’re losing the asymmetric war on terrorism. And in a perverse way, some good will come out of it. You’re probably thinking to yourself that I’m one sandwich short of a full picnic, but bear with me. As I stated in yesterday’s...
What Is Important To The New York Times? And Why?
In his memoirs in 1995, Genl. Giap, who headed North Vietnamese forces from just after the end of WW2 until his retirement in the 90's, the general wrote that the Tet offensive of 2/68 was so destructive to the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces,...
Green Energy