Green Energy
Winds of War: Turkish Moderates Fight Back

Now why do Muslims understand the threat of Islamism and take proper action every time it raises its ugly head – and we in the West don’t? Why don’t we learn from Muslims themselves who see the threat quite clearly and act quickly?
Read the rest at
The Gathering Storm.
Storm Track Appeasement: Liberals Still Believe In Their Fantasy
“A recurrent theme of Nick Cohen's writing concerns the idea that there is some monolithic 'Islamic fundamentalist' threat to 'the West' and its universalist ideas of freedom of expression and speech, human rights and tolerance of...
Storm Track Infiltration: Shari'a-jihad Threat Alert #1
Mapping Sharia in America, that has been investigating different mosques over the last several months, has issued their first Shari'a-Jihad Threat Alert. The first threat centers on an imam called Yusuf Estes – a popular Islamic leader in America....
Storm Track Intimidation: Islam - The Religion Of Peace Speaks
Found this little piece of news over at Up Pompii. When will we learn that with Muslims, voluntary accommodation leads most often to arrogant demands? A Turkish mosque's chief threatens violent revolt in Amsterdam if Amsterdam city council bars construction...
From The Gathering Storm Blog
From The Gathering Storm Blog "A love for tradition has never weakened a nation; indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril." - Sir Winston Churchill Posting to my blog every day for the last 10 months has taught me a lot about the challenges...
Storm Track Disinformation: The Semantics Of This War
From The Gathering Storm “If you can’t identify your enemy, how can you defeat him?”How many times have we heard that from the starboard side of the bloggesphere? And yet there is still much confusion not only by the average Joe but also from...
Green Energy