Green Energy
Winds of War: Why Doesn’t Spain Just Surrender to Islam?

The Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero – you know, the guy who came to power in Spain after the 3/11 attacks in Madrid and then surrendered to the terrorists by removing Spanish troops form Iraq – is happy that "Justice was rendered today.”
And just what was that justice?
The accused Madrid bomb mastermind acquitted even though he bragged that he planned the attack. Wait a minute you say? How can a court acquit someone who confesses to the attack? Well, it has to do with meaning – or like a famous liberal once said, “It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is.
Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.
Spain: Zapatero Wants Morocco And Turkey In The Eu As A “gesture Of Conciliation With The Islamic World”
That the only casualties of the twin bombings of Norway are European origin and people outside the Islamic religion has not prevented the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, from calling on EU leaders for Morocco and Turkey to be allowed...
Does Spain's Pacifist Government Foreshadow Obama's America?
“I am a minister of defense and I would rather be killed than to kill.” I hate Pussifists. From PJM: As Barack Obama tries to persuade American voters thatconverting the U.S. military into an extension of the Peace Corps is a bold demonstration...
Two Spanish Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan
Another two Spanish soldiers have died in Afghanistan. Although at first, it was thought that the BMR vehicle, in which they were at the time of the explosion, had gone over a mine, the discovery of a cable (of about 70 meters) in the attack surroundings,...
People "with Very Evil Intentions" Start Wave Of Forest Fires Across Spain
Who's setting the fires across Spain? And why are they setting the fires? Authorities have arrested twenty people thus far, but they aren't saying who these people are, or what they think is the motive: MADRID (AFP) - A wave of forest fires...
Spain Charges 32 Over Terror Plot
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Spain charges 32 over terror plot The alleged plot involved ramming an explosives truck into the court [in the photo, below] A Spanish judge [Grande-Marlaska] has charged 32 suspected Islamic militants over an alleged...
Green Energy