Whether it rises on a lake in North Bay, Canada or on the Tigris River in beautiful Mosul, the sun is ours to stay,bloody wars or not. Her name is Sunshine, she was born on a glorious January 29 in 1992, in Iraq.Considered to be the Best Young Iraqi Blogger at age 14, Sunshine from Mosul has experienced a few cloudy days recently with her mother in need of an operation, her Great Grandmother passing away during surgery, and her friend losing several family members in a terrorist/insurgent attack. However, despite the recent difficulties, toils and troubles, of being a young woman growing up in a rebuilding Iraq, Sunshine, like the sun, rises warm and sunny every morning, each day a new learning experience for this bright studious girl, a cornerstone of Iraq's future potential.
Sunshine From Mosul, Days of My Life - Best Young Iraqi BloggerHello Sunshine, how are you?
Sunshine: Hello sir, I am fine thanks.
- Can you tell us what a typical or average day for Sunshine is like?
Sunshine: Well, I wake up early in the morning, I go to school at 7:30, & come back at 1:30, I take my lunch & study till bed time …. In the holidays or weekends I sometimes wake up early too if we have electricity, I work on computer (& of course if the voltage is high enough), & I like reading, I am not too interested in watching TV, actually I don't have enough time, but I like Oprah show, Dr. Phil, & the reports.. I love reports...
- Can you describe some of the changes that have occurred for your family and you since the War began?
Sunshine: Since the war we spend most of the time at home, no more fun, no more picnics, no birthdays with guests, my parents discusses policy in most of the day, and watch news many many times during the day...
- What is the most important thing to you in life and why?
Sunshine: I believe that the most important thing in any ones life is education, Iraq needs re-building, & I want to share in rebuilding my country...
- Sunshine, what does Love mean to you?
Sunshine: Well, I don't know, I am still too young, but I think if you love someone you should trust, respect, & to be honest with your lover... Love is important in humanity to make life peaceful … Life without love makes people the same as dolls...