Green Energy
Wreaths Across America

From "'
Rest easy, sleep well my brothers. Know the line has held, your job is done,'" which appeared in the December 3, 2006 edition of the
Washington Post:
Every year for more than a decade, at the height of the season, Morrill Worcester would pack up a truckload of his Christmas wreaths and head down from Maine to Arlington National Cemetery. Without fanfare, he and a dozen or so volunteers would lay red-bowed wreaths on a few thousand headstones of fallen Americans.
There was no publicity. No crowds gathered. The gesture was one man's private duty, born of a trip to Washington he won as a 12-year-old paperboy. Of all the monuments and memorials he saw, it was the visit to Arlington that stuck with him -- the majesty and mystery, the sadness and the pride, the sight of all those neat rows of government-issue white headstones....
Read the rest.
With Tomorrow In Doubt
Excerpt from "With Tomorrow In Doubt," an excellent essay by T.L. Davis: ...Is an Executive Order legal to alter an Amendment to the Constitution? No, but it will take months and months to work its way through the courts and by the time it gets to the...
Memorial Day 2011
This Memorial Day 2011, the following has been made possible at Arlington National Cemetery:This Memorial Day, visitors to Arlington National Cemetery will have a special way to remember and honor a loved one or a fallen hero thanks to a generous donation...
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At Arlington, Each Soldier Has A Special Lady
MSNBC: Volunteers honor troops and make sure none is buried alone By HELEN O'NEILL The Associated Press updated 7:45 p.m. ET, Sat., May 29, 2010 ARLINGTON, Va. - Joyce Johnson remembers the drums beating slowly as she walked with her girls from the...
He is a bastard. A lowlife piece of shit who deson't deserve the title of community organiser let alone President of the United States Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces Leader of the Free World There are just some things you must do, whether...
Green Energy