Green Energy
You Have Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me ...

UPDATED at bottom of post
Fjordman tells us of just how far degeneracy has gone in Europe:
Listen up children, and repeat after me. "It's not bad or strange, it's just different."
Swedish journalist Kurt Lundgren had a noteworthy story on his blog this week. A
friend told him about a magazine published by Lärarförbundet, the Swedish
Teachers’ Union, the largest union for teachers and heads of schools in the
country. The magazine, aimed at preschool teachers who take care of children
between the ages of 0-6 years old, included recommendations to not only promote
“gender equality” but also “sexual equality” at this tender age.
Mr. Lundgren considers the suggestions that are sent out to kindergarten
and preschool staff to be clear-cut sexual abuse of children:“A three-year-old
doesn’t have to learn queer theory, a four-year-old shouldn’t have to be
force-fed lectures on gay sex by some sex freak from the Teachers’ Union.
Children are supposed to play and discover their roles entirely on
their own. Children are defenseless and shouldn’t be exposed to
indoctrination, neither regarding sex nor politics.. (…)
One wonders whether parents are aware of the abuses against preschool
children that that Teachers’ Union’s magazine Pedagogiska
magasinet is encouraging.”In a kindergarten in Stockholm, the parents were
encouraged by the preschool teachers - apparently ideological pioneers - to
equip their sons with dresses and female first names. There are now weeks in some places when boys HAVE TO wear a dress.
Now, what you have to understand is I have friends who are gay, and friends who are into all sorts of alternative lifestyles. I don't care what adults want to do with their lives, as long as they aren't hurting others.
But, the idea of teaching children to shift back and forth between sex roles is just downright disgusting as far, as I'm concerned.
What next? Fun games you can play with you puppy?
Stuff like this makes me think the fucking Jihadis ought to just destroy our culture.
Jonz writes:
I find it slightly offensive when you say "just how far degeneracy has
gone in Europe" I know exactly what you mean but I can already feel the
anti-European Americans banging at the doors telling us how terrible we all are
and how we deserve terror attacks. Sorry for rant. Little too much
Degeneracy meaning inferiority is a word many Europeans would apply to
America. But I wouldn't fall into that trap ;) I know it's offensive. Most
Americans aren't dumbarse rednecks. In the same way most Europeans aren't
supportive of transgender roles in schools.
He's gotta be right about that. We have people pushing simiilar agendas in our public schools, yet I know few Americans who actually support such ideas.
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