“using the salad fork for the entree is inappropriate. Using the Internal Revenue Service for political purposes is a criminal offense.”
Green Energy

“using the salad fork for the entree is inappropriate. Using the Internal Revenue Service for political purposes is a criminal offense.”

George Will, on the galactic moron, Jay Carney’s attempt to frame the IRS actions as ‘inappropriate’
Carry on, dude

- Judicial Watch: Irs Used Donor Lists To Target Audits
Evil and Proud of It When are Koksukaman and Lois (Slow) Lerner going to go to prison? (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that confirm that the IRS used donor lists...

- Irs Has "lost" Lois Lerner Emails
THE STEPFATHER OF LIES See, this is just another example of a NAIVE AND COLLAPSING ADMINISTRATION. From the House Ways and Means Committee: Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement regarding...

- They Pretend To Pay Us So We Pretend To Work - Irs Tea Investigation Run By Obama Donor
The outcome of a completely cynical populace is complete decline It is inevitable and compulsory.NO EXCEPTIONSThe attorney heading the internal investigation into potential unfair targeting of conservative groups by the IRS is a frequent and significant...

- Irs Targeting The American Legion
 Lois Lerner Contemplates The Little PeopleThe Internal Revenue Service is targeting the veterans’ organization the American Legion, and a U.S. senator believes that Lois Lerner — a key figure in the IRS scandal – is to blame. “The...

- Federal Government To Impose Limits On Olive Garden Restaurant
Federal Government to Impose Limits on Salad and Breadsticks The Olive Garden restaurant, known for unlimited salad and breadsticks, suffered a significant setback today when the Federal Government announced that it will be imposing limits on salad and...

Green Energy
