David Cameron, Prime Minister of Medium Britain.
David Cameron orders inquiry into activities of Muslim Brotherhood
Review to look into party’s alleged links to extremism amid speculation group could be banned in BritainDavid Cameron has ordered Whitehall officials to launch an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood – drawing on assessments by MI5 and MI6.
Speaking at a No 10 news conference, the prime minister said that the government was committed to encouraging people away from the path of extremism.
"We want to challenge the extremist narrative that some Islamist organisations have put out," he told reporters following talks with new Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi.
"What I think is important about the Muslim Brotherhood is that we understand what this organisation is, what it stands for, what its beliefs are in terms of the path of extremism and violent extremism, what its connections are with other groups, what its presence is here in the United Kingdom. Our policies should be informed by a complete picture of that knowledge," he said.
"It is an important piece of work because because we will only get our policy right if we fully understand the true nature of the organisation that we are dealing with."
A No 10 source confirmed a report in the Times that the investigation is being launched as the prime minister faces pressure to follow the example ofEgyptand Saudi Arabia, which claim that the Muslim Brotherhood uses London as a crucial centre for its activities, to ban the group.

The Muslim Brotherhood, formed by Hassan Al Banna, defined, and informed by Sayd Qutb’s violent, racist, philosphies, has made no secret of who they are from the beginning, and once they got power (finally) like the scorpion on the frog’s back, LITERALLY as a cause of who they are and WHAT they have to be, stung Egypt as it was trying to cross the Nile and now have their just reward, even as they inspired AND DIRECTED the burning of churches
If Mr. Cameron really wants to know who and what the Ikwhan wants, and has already wishfully forgotten Egypt all he has to do is look at Gaza.
HAMAS IS the Muslim Brotherhood.
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