$550B Lost In Electronic Run On Banks
Green Energy

$550B Lost In Electronic Run On Banks

Now, who could have arranged such a run on banks, in the leadup to the American elections? Who could it be?

From Sweetness and Light:

Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"

Mr. Kanjorski is talking about the events circa September 18, 2008.

Which, you will recall, was also around the time in the presidential campaign when Mr. McCain passed Mr. Obama in the polls.

Does anyone know what Mr. Soros was doing that day?

RevereRidesAgain comments:

Sweetness & Light has a post up about the September 18 "electronic run on the banks" Rep. Kanjorski spoke about on C-Span and which was picked up by Rush and others. Speculation centers on Soros with the crisis timed to McCain's taking a lead in the polls.

Anybody know what could have caused a sudden "tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States... to the tune of $550 billion"? And if they had not shut it down, would it really have gone to the extremes described by Kanjorski?

I remember being told that day that we were hours away from you go to the ATM machine and there is no money. Not there, not anywhere. Could a consortium (Soros, Russia, China, SA, Venezuela, etc.) that wanted Obama elected really have come that close to tanking our entire economy?

If anyone else has any information to add, I'd love to see it.

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