Green Energy
Report: Hillary Clinton’s State Department Told Benghazi Was A “Terrorist Attack” 25 Minutes After It Began
I know, I know, you told me that 25 minutes ago.
I guess Susan Rice didn’t get the memo.
The Daily Obamanation
STUNNING! SMOKING GUN MEMO: DIA Issued Memo Saying Benghazi Was Terror Attack SAME DAY Susan Rice Called It a Protest U.S. Intel Knew Weapons Were Being Moved From Benghazi To Syria, Predicted The Rise Of ISIS Pentagon Insists Obama’s Iraq Strategy...
And so, in summation, although she knew it was a lie and was opposed to it, and her husband knew it was a lie and was opposed to it, and both of them knew that it would never hold up, they went against their own conscience, their own beliefs, and pushed...
Chris Matthews Still Believes Benghazi Was A Spontaneous Attack Because Of A "crazy Right-wing Video"
WET BRAIN. It's the only explanation. MATTHEWS: This is my problem Joy with that interview and the questioning from O’Reilly, and I’m not a media critic. But the information’s out there that Susan Rice told the truth. It was a spontaneous attack...
Kerry Reinstates Benghazi Officials Clinton Punished
From the Daily Beast: Secretary of State John Kerry has determined that the four State Department officials placed on administrative leave by Hillary Clinton after the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi do not deserve any formal disciplinary...
Now This Is Just Nuts
Susan "it's all about the video" Rice is named National Security Adviser. How does that happen anywhere but in an Obama world? Fox: Obama names Susan Rice as national security adviser despite Benghazi controversy President Obama named Susan Rice...
Green Energy