Green Energy



SMOKING GUN MEMO: DIA Issued Memo Saying Benghazi Was Terror Attack SAME DAY Susan Rice Called It a Protest

U.S. Intel Knew Weapons Were Being Moved From Benghazi To Syria, Predicted The Rise Of ISIS

Pentagon Insists Obama’s Iraq Strategy “Is Working” Despite Islamic State Sacking Ramadi

NYPD Chief Says He Wants 450 Cops To Combat ISIS

I mean, what can you say in response to this shit?

- Susan Rice: No Need To Reassess Admin Strategy Against Isis
National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the Obama administration is not reassessing it’s strategy to defeat the Islamic State (ISIL or ISIS) even as airstrikes prove ineffective in stopping the advance and spread of the terrorist organization in...

- Chris Matthews Still Believes Benghazi Was A Spontaneous Attack Because Of A "crazy Right-wing Video"
WET BRAIN. It's the only explanation. MATTHEWS: This is my problem Joy with that interview and the questioning from O’Reilly, and I’m not a media critic. But the information’s out there that Susan Rice told the truth. It was a spontaneous attack...

- Blasphemy: Obama To Send Susan Rice (frontperson Of Benghazi Lies) To Congress On Anniversary Of Benghazi And 9/11 Attacks
" ... and don't forget to emphasize the phrase "RED LINE". That ought to infuriate those Tea Party assholes." If you need anymore evidence that this man hates America, he is now using the anniversary of Benghazi and the 9/11 attacks to insult...

Report: Hillary Clinton’s State Department Told Benghazi Was A “Terrorist Attack” 25 Minutes After It BeganI know, I know, you told me that 25 minutes ago.I guess Susan Rice didn’t get the memo. ...

And Three Weeks after the event the FBI STILL isn't in country. . . Telegraph: Did the White House order a cover-up over the murder of Libya's US Ambassador?  Immediately after the murder of Chris Stevens, America's Ambassador to Libya,...

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